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Green Party Calls For Real Systemic Solutions To Violence In Wake Of Uvalde Mass Shooting
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States strongly condemns the murderous rampage at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas that took the lives of at least nineteen elementary school children and two teachers and injured seventeen. The Green Party sends their deepest sympathies to all families affected by this senseless act of violence.
While media coverage has focused on the symptoms of this problem, we must look at the broader issues around the epidemic of violence in this country.
The United States ranks second on the list of countries with the highest number of gun deaths. In 2021, 45,011 Americans died of gunshot wounds and there were 692 mass shootings.
In the 10 years since Sandy Hook, 2,654 mass shootings have occurred. Just one day before the shooting, the FBI reported a 52.5% increase in active shooter incidents in the U.S. from 2020 to 2021. It is essential to point out that due to federal legislation in 1997 stating “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used for research on gun violence” that the federal government essentially blocked funding for preventive measures until 2019 when Congress specifically allocated funds to the CDC more than twenty years later.
"It is necessary to implement strategies guided by research on risk factors that contribute to violence, easy access to healthcare, and community-based programs to support families such as developing and evaluating programs and settings in schools, workplaces, prisons, neighborhoods, clinics, and other relevant contexts to prevent violence," said Green Party US Steering Committee Co-Chair Margaret Elisabeth.
The Green Party's vision includes “building communities that nurture families, generate good jobs and housing, and provide public services; creating cities and towns that educate children, encourage recreation, and preserve natural and cultural resources; building local governments that protect people from environmental hazards and violent crime; and motivating citizens to participate in making decisions."
"We need to stop normalizing gun violence and discuss real systemic solutions. Let's talk about how those grieving and traumatized need a society that gives them the space to grieve and eventually heal without the worries of rushing back to work to put food on the table or if they can take the time off work to pick up their child from school until the day they graduate college. We must address the root cause to finally put an end to gun violence," stated Green Party US Steering Committee Co-Chair Garret Wassermann.
We encourage you to electronically donate to the "Robb School Memorial Fund" through Zelle using the email [email protected] or via mail to 200 East Nopal St., Uvalde, Texas 78801. Please make checks payable to the “Robb School Memorial Fund.” You may also donate to the "SP-Uvalde Victims Relief Fund" through University Health San Antonio's website.
The Green Party implores all of you to mobilize your friends and neighbors and hold legislators accountable for their unwillingness to prioritize the health and well-being of their constituents. Together, we will prioritize people over profit!
American Public Health Association
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While media coverage has focused on the symptoms of this problem, we must look at the broader issues around the epidemic of violence in this country.
The United States ranks second on the list of countries with the highest number of gun deaths. In 2021, 45,011 Americans died of gunshot wounds and there were 692 mass shootings.
In the 10 years since Sandy Hook, 2,654 mass shootings have occurred. Just one day before the shooting, the FBI reported a 52.5% increase in active shooter incidents in the U.S. from 2020 to 2021. It is essential to point out that due to federal legislation in 1997 stating “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used for research on gun violence” that the federal government essentially blocked funding for preventive measures until 2019 when Congress specifically allocated funds to the CDC more than twenty years later.
"It is necessary to implement strategies guided by research on risk factors that contribute to violence, easy access to healthcare, and community-based programs to support families such as developing and evaluating programs and settings in schools, workplaces, prisons, neighborhoods, clinics, and other relevant contexts to prevent violence," said Green Party US Steering Committee Co-Chair Margaret Elisabeth.
The Green Party's vision includes “building communities that nurture families, generate good jobs and housing, and provide public services; creating cities and towns that educate children, encourage recreation, and preserve natural and cultural resources; building local governments that protect people from environmental hazards and violent crime; and motivating citizens to participate in making decisions."
"We need to stop normalizing gun violence and discuss real systemic solutions. Let's talk about how those grieving and traumatized need a society that gives them the space to grieve and eventually heal without the worries of rushing back to work to put food on the table or if they can take the time off work to pick up their child from school until the day they graduate college. We must address the root cause to finally put an end to gun violence," stated Green Party US Steering Committee Co-Chair Garret Wassermann.
We encourage you to electronically donate to the "Robb School Memorial Fund" through Zelle using the email [email protected] or via mail to 200 East Nopal St., Uvalde, Texas 78801. Please make checks payable to the “Robb School Memorial Fund.” You may also donate to the "SP-Uvalde Victims Relief Fund" through University Health San Antonio's website.
The Green Party implores all of you to mobilize your friends and neighbors and hold legislators accountable for their unwillingness to prioritize the health and well-being of their constituents. Together, we will prioritize people over profit!
American Public Health Association
Group Violence Intervention
Map of All Mass Shootings
Stats on U.S. Mass Shootings
Green Party of the United States
Newsroom | Twitter @GreenPartyUS
Green Party Platform
Green New Deal
Green candidate database and campaign information
Ballot Access
Facebook page
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Green Papers
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