Governor Sisolak issues statement on latest statewide report on COVID-19 directive compliance
Carson City, NV — Today, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak issued a statement in regards to reported compliance numbers from the Division of Industrial Relations Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Of the 204 businesses observed by the State on July 2, 49 percent complied with the face covering requirements. Fifty percent of bars and restaurant bar areas visited by officials were found to be in compliance, with the remaining establishments including automobile sales and maintenance, gyms, hair and nail establishments, and tattoo shops demonstrating a 61 percent rate of compliance.
Since enforcement of Directive 024 began, the overall business compliance rate is 85 percent in Northern Nevada and 65 percent in Southern Nevada.
Gov. Sisolak issued the following statement:
“The noncompliance numbers reported by State officials are disappointing and unacceptable a week after the face coverings directive was issued.
To the businesses who are complying, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of all Nevada. You're protecting our businesses, our health, our jobs, our economy and your industry.
To those businesses operating in violation of the directive by not implementing safe social distancing and face covering protocols, you’re not only jeopardizing people's health but you’re also jeopardizing your fellow businesses, your industry, and our overall economy.
I am grateful for the strong partnerships state and local governments who will be taking aggressive, broad-based and swift enforcement actions throughout this holiday weekend.
As I have expressed before, I have growing concerns with our current COVID-19 data trends. If these concerning reports on noncompliance continue, I will not hesitate to take swift and decisive actions next week directed at targeted industries or areas that are experiencing concerning COVID-19 trends and non-compliance."
Of the 204 businesses observed by the State on July 2, 49 percent complied with the face covering requirements. Fifty percent of bars and restaurant bar areas visited by officials were found to be in compliance, with the remaining establishments including automobile sales and maintenance, gyms, hair and nail establishments, and tattoo shops demonstrating a 61 percent rate of compliance.
Since enforcement of Directive 024 began, the overall business compliance rate is 85 percent in Northern Nevada and 65 percent in Southern Nevada.
Gov. Sisolak issued the following statement:
“The noncompliance numbers reported by State officials are disappointing and unacceptable a week after the face coverings directive was issued.
To the businesses who are complying, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of all Nevada. You're protecting our businesses, our health, our jobs, our economy and your industry.
To those businesses operating in violation of the directive by not implementing safe social distancing and face covering protocols, you’re not only jeopardizing people's health but you’re also jeopardizing your fellow businesses, your industry, and our overall economy.
I am grateful for the strong partnerships state and local governments who will be taking aggressive, broad-based and swift enforcement actions throughout this holiday weekend.
As I have expressed before, I have growing concerns with our current COVID-19 data trends. If these concerning reports on noncompliance continue, I will not hesitate to take swift and decisive actions next week directed at targeted industries or areas that are experiencing concerning COVID-19 trends and non-compliance."
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