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Green Party Denounces Supreme Court for Siding with Corporate Polluters in Climate Fight
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States today denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA 6-3 decision, siding with coal and other polluters against the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Greens said it may have been a death blow in the fight to halt climate collapse.
Greens said it is long past time to overhaul the rogue, undemocratic Supreme Court, whose powers and reach have expanded beyond that laid out in the Constitution.
“The Supreme Court has been captured by far-right ideologues who think nothing of overturning long-standing legal precedent in order to impose their minority viewpoints on the rest of society,” said Dylan Parsons, Green candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates. “This undemocratic group of extremists, selected by presidents who were also not democratically elected, seeks to bring us closer to explicit fascist rule to maintain the crumbling capitalist system in the United States. The working class must unite and fight back against this capitalist tyranny and implement an eco-socialist program to bring liberation for all.”
The Green Party joined numerous civic organizations in opposing a host of the court’s recent decisions on civil liberties and urged the Democrats to take every step possible to overturn them.
Greens repeated their call for Biden and the Democrats to declare and act on a climate emergency, and for President Biden to use the executive powers he has to lead a transition to a clean energy system that provides a chance of a decent living for future generations ( The Green Party has advocated for a Green New Deal for more than a decade.
The Green Party also called on state and local governments to take their own corrective steps on climate, equality, and reproductive freedom. The Green Party's platform calls for an emergency Green New Deal to turn the tide on climate change, revive the economy and make wars for oil obsolete. The U.S. would create 20 million jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
U.S. Supreme Court West Virginia vs EPA Decision
Green Party US Platform on Climate
Green Party of the United States
Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS
Green Party Platform
Green New Deal
Green candidate database and campaign information
Ballot Access
Facebook page
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Green Papers
Greens said it is long past time to overhaul the rogue, undemocratic Supreme Court, whose powers and reach have expanded beyond that laid out in the Constitution.
“The Supreme Court has been captured by far-right ideologues who think nothing of overturning long-standing legal precedent in order to impose their minority viewpoints on the rest of society,” said Dylan Parsons, Green candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates. “This undemocratic group of extremists, selected by presidents who were also not democratically elected, seeks to bring us closer to explicit fascist rule to maintain the crumbling capitalist system in the United States. The working class must unite and fight back against this capitalist tyranny and implement an eco-socialist program to bring liberation for all.”
The Green Party joined numerous civic organizations in opposing a host of the court’s recent decisions on civil liberties and urged the Democrats to take every step possible to overturn them.
Greens repeated their call for Biden and the Democrats to declare and act on a climate emergency, and for President Biden to use the executive powers he has to lead a transition to a clean energy system that provides a chance of a decent living for future generations ( The Green Party has advocated for a Green New Deal for more than a decade.
The Green Party also called on state and local governments to take their own corrective steps on climate, equality, and reproductive freedom. The Green Party's platform calls for an emergency Green New Deal to turn the tide on climate change, revive the economy and make wars for oil obsolete. The U.S. would create 20 million jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
U.S. Supreme Court West Virginia vs EPA Decision
Green Party US Platform on Climate
Green Party of the United States
Newsroom | Twitter: @GreenPartyUS
Green Party Platform
Green New Deal
Green candidate database and campaign information
Ballot Access
Facebook page
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
Green Papers
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